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Postby Marsbar » Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:29 pm

Since we informed everyone a couple of weeks ago that our lease at 2261 Dundas Street West would not be renewed when it expires on March 31, 2020, we have devoted a great deal of time and energy to investigating venue possibilities.

We have been very encouraged by the support expressed by so many, including operators of other venues and we hope to be able to announce our new venue very soon.

We are excited about our plans for the future.

However, in the short term we need to respond to the rapid spread of COVID-19, and the urgent need for drastic and radical measures to “smooth the curve” as much as possible to avoid overwhelming our health care providers.

For the next weeks all of us need to do what we can to achieve social distancing. That means limiting our social interactions to the essential ones. We’ve therefore made the difficult decision to postpone all of our programming until the COVID-19 pandemic wanes.

Listening to live music at HRL is always wonderful, but it is, at root, not essential. And it is a pretty intimate experience for our patrons, our staff and our musicians.

If you have bought tickets, be assured that we will re-schedule, and will let you know the new date – and location – for the concert as soon as we can.

This will be particularly hard on our staff, who all care passionately about Hugh’s Room Live. This decision means that many will be laid off, hopefully on a short-term basis.

Thank you for your understanding in this exceptionally difficult time. We look forward to the day we can all come together once again to share live music.

Brian Iler, Chair, on behalf of the Hugh’s Room Live Board of Directors
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