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Celebrating Don Berns

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:09 pm
by Marsbar
He is our friend. Daily phone calls. Weekly visits. Never a New Year's Eve without him - until this past year. He was a popular DJ for us. And of course we all still hear his voice throughout the day from

As the Sunday show was happening March 1, 2015 at 11:55 PM a phone call came. At first it seemed like a Birthday joke as March 2 was looming. was no joke. Our friend had put on his wings and left us.

But he is still here and we often feel his presence.

Tuesday March 1, 2016 we shall replay Don Berns' final show. Home For A Rest. When he recorded it he couldn't have known the implications of the music he chose....or could he.

Join us and please tell your friends for this one hour celebration of Don Berns!

Re: Celebrating Don Berns

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:18 pm
by Contact
That was good to hear again. I thought it would be hard, but i was wrong.
Tonight I stay at Hotel Grand.